Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This thesis is a history of the English colony at Victoria, Kansas, from the purchase of the land from the Kansas Pacific Railroad by Georg E. Grant in 1872 until the end of the colony in the early eighties. It does not attempt to deal in any complete form with history of the German- Russians who settled at Herzog, a mile north of the original town of Victoria in 1876. The history of Herzog is a story in itself, an intensely interesting one, but too long to be more than suggested in this thesis. It is given only for the years in which the two groups existed side by side and for the purpose of showing their relationships to each other and the contrast between them.
English immigration, London, Frontier & pioneer life, Small farmers, English nobility, Kansas--History, Ranching
Dr. Myrta E. McGinnis
Date of Award
Spring 1937
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Raish, Marjorie Gamet, "Victoria: The Story of A Western Kansas Town" (1937). Master's Theses. 262.
DOI: 10.58809/ESCS1238
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