Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


This thesis was done to study the culture of three small church congregations in central and western Kansas. Ed Schein's (1985) cultural model was modified so that the level he called "espoused values" was expanded to include both espoused values and "values-in-use" The espoused values were defined in this research as values which the church congregation proclaims to have. The values-in-use were defined as the values which they actually had. The espoused values and the values-in-use of each congregation were the main focus for this study. The espoused values were determined by studying each congregation's understanding of how each member should live or act. These espoused values ultimately were based on each congregation's understanding of what the Bible says they should be. Once the espoused (proclaimed) values were determined, then two research methods were used to determine the actual values the congregations practiced. The espoused values and the actual values practiced were then compared to see how much in agreement they were. The more in agreement these two were, and therefore the "healthier" the congregation's culture. The main research tool used was a questionnaire which was constructed to determine whether or not the members actually practiced the espoused values. The results were compiled into each value category to see whether or not the espoused values were very strong, strong, weak, or very weak. The second research method used was in-depth interviews which were conducted randomly in two of the congregations. The in-depth interviews were done to help validate the questionnaire from a different perspective. This study was done as a tool to aid pastors in determining the culture of their congregation and by doing so could be more effective in leading them.


Dale McKemey

Date of Award

Spring 1996

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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