Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This is a thesis studying individual differences in making a selection to expedite shipping. Specifically, the following experiment tested how individuals would make the decision to pay money to expedite shipping based on a few psychological characteristics theoretically linked to how individuals perceive and value time. In the following thesis, life history theory, the monetary-choice questionnaire assessing delay discounting, and gender were used to predict differences in the maximum amount an individual will spend to expedite shipping (as a proportion of total product cost). This was conducted by collecting data from an online population to more closely simulate online purchasing. Participants were given questionnaires and vignettes to describe purchasing. In order to adequately analyze the hypotheses proposed in this thesis a 2 x 2 x 3 mixed Factorial ANOVA was performed with gender and median split mini-k as between group variables, and proportion of total product cost to expedited shipping of product type as a within group variable. None of the hypotheses were supported in this analysis but there was a statistically significant effect for product type, suggesting that participants may discount specific products differently. This study’s main goal was to try and find a predictor for expediting shipping fees. Although none of the hypothesized predictors were significant, delay discounting did have a unique relationship with expedited shipping amount, thus confirming the idea that expedited shipping is related to time perception and delay of gratification.
Life History, Expedited Shipping, Delayed Discounting, Consumer Decisions, Evolution
Dr. Jisook April Park
Date of Award
Spring 2016
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Armijo, Adam Jess, "The Effects Of Life History On Expedited Shipping" (2016). Master's Theses. 25.
DOI: 10.58809/MSNM6047
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