Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this thesis was to examine conflict management styles used by members of the Kansas Highway Patrol to handle conflict situations. Various aspects of conflict and conflict management were researched as well as the background of the Kansas Highway Patrol. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument was administered to 175 members of the Kansas Highway Patrol to determine styles of conflict handling methods used when dealing with conflict. Demographic classifications including age, rank, years of service, and education level were examined. Analysis of variance and t-tests were calculated to determine significant results. The results of the research revealed that the subjects could not be characterized as having a single, dominant style of conflict management. A mix of compromising, avoiding, and accommodating conflict management styles dominated within this group of respondents as styles used to handle conflict situations.


Willis M. Watt

Date of Award

Spring 1994

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


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