Social Work
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of the researcher was to investigate the attitudes toward reading of third grade students involved in a whole language program. The sample consisted of 71 students. Forty eight students participated in the study group, and a control group consisted of 23 students. / The independent variables were participation status, gender, socio-economic status, race, qualification for Chapter 1 services, and participation in English Training services. The dependent variables were scores from the scales of the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (ERAS). These were: Attitudes Toward Recreational Reading, Attitudes Toward Academic Reading, and Total. Pretest scores from the scales of the ERAS were employed as covariant measures and included Attitudes Toward Recreational Reading, Attitudes Toward Academic Reading, and Total. / Six composite null hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance. A total of 18 comparisons were made. None of the 18 main effects were statistically significant at the .05 level. The researcher would make these recommendations if the study were to be replicated; 1. The study should be replicated with a large random sample, 2. The study should be replicated examining treatment in detail, 3. The study should be replicated investigating other dimensions of effectiveness, and 4. The study should be replicated controlling teacher variables.
Dr. Bill C. Daley
Date of Award
Summer 1994
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Brungardt, Susan, "A Study of Attitudes Toward Reading in a Whole Language Classroom of Western Kansas Students in Grade Three in a Selected School" (1994). Master's Theses. 2440.
DOI: 10.58809/OZZT5318
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