Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This study is a program evaluation of the Community Support Services program at High Plains Mental Health Center. The Community Support Services program utilizes the Kansas Case Management model for the Severe and Persistently Mentally Ill, formerly labeled the Chronically Mentally Ill. The present study examined the patterns of patients’ movement as they relate to several propositions that underlie the philosophy and implementation of the deinstitutionalization movement. Subjects were the members of the Community Support Services program who met the criteria for classification as Severe and Persistently Mentally Ill in the state of Kansas. Statistical analyses were performed, comparing hospital daily log admission information to the Larned State Hospital from the High Plains Mental Health Center for the fiscal years 1986-1989 to 1990-1992. Additional information on patterns of patient movement were illustrated from information gained from clinical files of consumers of the Community Support Services at High Plains Mental Health Center. Results of this study indicate a statistically significant increase in admissions to Larned State Hospital from the High Plains Mental Health Center catchment area even with the implementation of the Kansas Case Management Program. There was also a significant increase in the number of first time admissions to Larned State Hospital. An increase in recidivist admissions was not found to be significant. A steady decrease in average length of stay was also found to be nonsignificant due to the decrease found before implementation of the Kansas Case Management Program. The attempt to examine patterns of movement of the clients of the Partial Hospitalization and Community Support Programs was not successful due to the manner in which data were recorded over the time period under consideration.
Dr. Robert Markley
Date of Award
Summer 1993
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Becker, Terry Seirer, "An Evaluation of the Kansas Case Management Program in a Community Support Services Network" (1993). Master's Theses. 2383.
DOI: 10.58809/AAZX9920
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