Master's Theses


Political Science

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The overwhelming problems that many third world nations face are related to the fact they lack democracy. My thesis addresses the major question: why is achieving democracy in Burundi problematic? In analyzing the question I found that when Burundi tried to advance toward democracy, its friendship with U.S.A. and other western nations tended to be more positive. When Burundi ignored democratic values, the friendship with U.S.A. and its allies tended to deteriorate. Before colonialism (before 1899), Burundi had political practices compatible with democratic principles. Its two rival ethnic groups, Hutu and Tutsi, were proportionally represented in the national and local governments, defense and judiciary. During and after colonialism accomplishing democracy in Burundi has been problematic because of the divide-and-rule policy initiated by the colonizers and additionally, since the overthrow of monarchy in November 1966, military rule. The last chapter contains some recommendations on how to achieve a peaceful democracy in Burundi.


Arthur L. Morin

Date of Award

Summer 1991

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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