Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This thesis was a creative research project designed to evaluate teaching techniques for communicating scientific concepts across grade levels K-8. Specific aspects researched included definitions of science, science concepts, communication of science concepts, definitions of communication, hierarchy of science concepts, communicating through teaching techniques, and status of science education. Conceptual development of specific concepts were analyzed. Curriculum enhancement inservices entitled “Science is Stimulating” were designed to share technology techniques for communicating concepts of sciences. The 351 teachers involved represented 65 elementary, middle, and junior high schools located in western and central Kansas School Districts 5, 6, and 7. The number of students affected by the teacher inservices and student assemblies was approximately 9500. The results of the inservice effectiveness evaluations indicated the program: (a) attained inservice objectives in the areas of demonstrations, hands-on activities, audio visual materials, discussion ideas, and concept development, (b) was useful in participants’ work, (c) was clear and held participants’ interest, and (d) maintained overall high quality.


Willis M. Watt

Date of Award

Summer 1991

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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