Master's Theses

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access

Date of Award

Spring 1990

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Advanced Education Programs


Michael Kallam


This study investigated the effects of an art therapy on the self-concept of elementary school learning disabled children. It was concluded that an art therapy program does make a significant contribution to the increase in self-concept as analyzed by the use of an ANCOVA for both standard score and I-score with pre-score as a co-variant measure. Subjects were chosen on the basis of having a current Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) and placement in an elementary school learning disabilities program. The art therapy subjects were presented with a variety of techniques and materials ranging from body image to visualization, using materials ranging from crayon to florescent poster paint. It was hypothesized that the subjects would gain a higher level of self-concept when presented with an opportunity to express themselves in an accepting environment. The results of this study provided evidence that there is a high level of significance between art therapy and an increase in self-concept. Recommendations for future research with an expanded amount of time were given.


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© 1990 Sharron Stephenson

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