Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


The purpose of the researcher was to investigate teacher selection for Kansas public high schools. The seven independent variables were: school district size, age of individuals who selected teachers, number of years in teacher selection, administrative position, undergraduate major, formal education and number of teachers employed per year. The instrument consisted of statements which were divided into eight components. The components were: 1. attitude and personalities, 2. classroom and discipline, 3. education and experiences, 4. personal and physical traits, 5. recommendations and applications, 6. selection procedures, 7. social factors, 8. general. The sample was taken from 356 high schools in Kansas. The random stratified selection of 60 high schools Included 10 in each of the 6 classifications. The useable sample consisted of 44 returned questionnaires. Five composite null hypotheses were tested using a status survey design with some post-hoc grouping. A total of 112 comparisons (and 168 recurring) were ma de. Of the 112 comparisons made, 26 were statistically significant at the .05 level. Of the 26 statistically significant comparisons, 10 were for main effects and 16 were for interactions. The results of the present study appeared to support the following generalizations: 1. employing personnel from small schools rated personal and physical traits higher than those from intermediate size schools, 2. employing personnel from small schools rated general characteristics highest, 3. personnel over 40 years of age rated general characteristics higher than 40 years of age and younger, 4. Employing personnel selecting 1- 10 teacher s rated general characteristics higher than those selecting 21 or more teachers. 5. Employing personnel from intermediate size schools rated selection procedures higher than those from small schools. 6. Employing personnel who majored in science and mathematics rated social factors higher than those majoring in social science, 7. Employing personnel with most experience rated recommendations and applications the highest, 8. Employing personnel from small schools rated recommendations and applications higher than those from intermediate size schools. 9. Employing personnel with undergraduate degrees in science and mathematics rated selection procedures higher than those majoring in social science, 10. Employing personnel who selected 1- 5 teachers rated recommendations and applications higher than those who selected 6 or more teachers per year.


Ed Stehno

Date of Award

Summer 1990

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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