Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
The purpose of the researcher was to investigate the changing representation and distribution of school employees across gender, race, and job over the time period from 1973 to 1988 with five -year increments (1973, 1978, 1983, and 1988) in a large school district. A time-series or trend analysis was employed. The independent variables were employees' gender and race. The levels of the gender variable were male and female. The levels of the race variable were White, Black, Hispanic, and Other. The dependent variable was job category with six levels which were district administrators, school administrators, classroom teachers, student-support professionals, clerical workers, and service workers. Thirty-two comparisons were tested at the .05 level of significance; 15 of the comparisons were found to be statistically significant. The results of the present study appeared to support the following generalization: The school district in this study has made considerable progress in its efforts toward a balanced allocation of jobs among its employees of both sexes and all races between 1973 and 1988. However, 1. Females and minorities are still grossly under-represented in central-office administration, and school administration. 2. Males and minorities are still grossly under-represented in student-support and clerical-worker categories. 3. Females are still grossly under-represented in the service-worker category. 4. White and Black females are, respectively, the two groups that have achieved significant gains in all job categories. Hispanic females and the "Other" groups (both male and female) are noticeably absent from the district-administrator category.
Education Administration
Dr. Edward Stehno
Date of Award
Spring 1990
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Nguyen, Chi Quc, "Women and Minorities in a Large Mid-West School District" (1990). Master's Theses. 2239.
DOI: 10.58809/RPGC9667
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