Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


Children of alcoholics have recently been identified as a large group of individuals that can be adversely affected by parental drinking habits. Research to date has shown several different characteristics of this population. Much of the emphasis has been on the children of alcoholics who have developed coping problems and has failed to address those children of alcoholics that have developed effective coping styles. The literature does suggest that different coping styles do exist. Denial has been depicted in the literature as a common barrier to effective coping. The current research attempted to identify a coping style that is more prevalent among children of alcoholics as compared to children of non-alcoholics. The Miller Behavior Style Scale was used to determine If children of alcoholics tended to distract (blunt> from a situation as a means of coping more frequently than If they chose to gain Information (monitor) about a situation. The results indicated that as a group children of alcoholics do not tend to be more blunters than monitors. The other three groups, children of non-alcoholics, children of problem drinkers, and children of recovered alcoholics also showed no significantly prevalent style of coping. Suggestions for further research are also described.


School Psychology


Stephen Klein

Date of Award

Spring 1990

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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