![Master's Theses](../../assets/md5images/b073eef2c231780838431e1c53638883.jpg)
Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
The purpose of the researcher was to investigate the effects of a reading aloud program. Group membership according to type of reading activity, group membership according to gender, and group membership according to Chapter I reading were the independent variables. The levels of reading activity were children whose parents read to them, children who received reading from the researcher, and children who were in the control group. The levels of Chapter I reading were those participating in the program and those not participating. Test scores from the Metropolitan Achievement Test were the dependent variables. The test generated eight scores: auditory discrimination, sight vocabulary, phoneme/ grapheme - consonants, phoneme/ grapheme - vowels, vocabulary in context, word part clues, reading comprehension, and total reading battery. Prescores on the Metropolitan Achievement Test were employed as the covariate measure. The sample consisted of 60 second grade students with 20 students in each of the three groups, parents reading aloud, researcher reading aloud, and control group. Subjects were from three different second grade classes within the same school. A quasi-experimental pretest/post-test design with mixed groups was employed. Five composite null hypotheses were tested employing a one-way analysis of covariance.
Education Administration
Dr. Edward Stehno
Date of Award
Spring 1990
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Meter, David H., "Effect of a Read Aloud Program on Reading Achievement of Elementary School Children" (1990). Master's Theses. 2233.
DOI: 10.58809/EWRS4314
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