Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Structural contour and isopachous maps, generated with the Jupiter Computer Mapping system, stratigraphic cross-sections, and well-log data provide the basis from which possible oil and gas exploration can be conducted in the Hugoton Embayment of southwestern Kansas. The units investigated include the Upper Mississippian (Meramecian Stage) St. Louis Limestone, St. Genevieve Limestone, rocks of the Chesteran Stage and the Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan Stage) Kearny Formation of the Hugoton Embayment in portions of Stanton, Grant, Hamilton, and Kearny counties. Both the Mississippian and the Kearny rocks dip to the southeast with fold patterns in both trending northwest to southeast; however, folding of the Mississippian surface is more irregular. Major structural features of the Mississippian include the structurally low Hugoton Trough and Hugoton Trough Extension. The Hugoton Trough is discernible on Kearny structure, whereas the Hugoton Trough Extension is not. Kearny structure is a reliable indicator of Mississippian structure. Chesteran rocks thicken to the southeast and thin to a feather - edge across the central portion of the thesis area. The Keyes sandstone, the basal, informal member, is the most persistent and easily traceable sandstone in the Kearny Formation. The primary producing horizon in the area is the Keyes sandstone, with secondary production occurring in upper Kearny sandstones and the Mississippian strata. Most sandstone production occurs on the flanks of structurally positive features. The producing Keyes sandstone in the Beauchamp Pool has, at some past time, been structurally elevated to trap hydrocarbons. The northwest to southeast trending fault in the Shore Pool moved simultaneously with sediment deposition, but it is unknown if the fault played a role in hydrocarbon trapping. Although not of primary concern to the study, the easterly dipping Lower Permian Council Grove Group was mapped, and it was determined that folds within the unit trend east-west and that the structural pattern is not a reliable indication of Mississippian and Kearny structures at depth.
Dr. Kenneth Neuhauser
Date of Award
Spring 1989
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Issinghoff, Gregory J., "Computer-Assisted Preliminary Geological Investigation for Possible Oil and Gas Exploration of the Upper Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian in a Portion of the Hugoton Embayment, Southwestern Kansas" (1989). Master's Theses. 2109.
DOI: 10.58809/HJMK9439
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