Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
This investigation is a conceptual replication of Gould, Horn, Spreemann (1983b) designed to assess perceived sources of stress Junior and Senior high school students participating in basketball. The participants rated the frequency with which they experienced thirty-three sources of stress during competition. Gould's et al. (1983b) research revealed that “performing up to one's ability”, “improving on one's last performance”, “participating in championship meets”, “not wrestling well”, and “losing” were identified as major sources of stress. The present study found similar results with “making mistakes”, “performing up to one's level of ability”, “not playing well”, “what my coach will think or say”, and “improving upon one's last performance” as major sources of stress for basketball players. It was predicted that the same rank order of perceived sources of stress would be found as Gould's et. al., (1983b) study. However, the correlation of the ranks from the two studies was not significant. Results Indicated only two sources of perceived stress were identical when the two studies were compared. Male and female basketball players did not have different rankings of sources of stress, nor were the rankings of highly skilled players different from those of less skilled players. Although both the most and least frequently experienced sources of stress were identified in both studies it was concluded that large individual differences existed in perceived sources of stress.
School Psychology
Dr. Robert Markley
Date of Award
Summer 1988
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Thompson, David A., "Sources of Perceived Stress in Children Involved in Competitive Sports" (1988). Master's Theses. 2084.
DOI: 10.58809/VTIW4925
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