Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
The purpose of the study was to ascertain if there was a change in self-reported attitudes of the court-ordered participants between the beginning of session I and following session II of a Pre-divorce workshop, and if there was a relationship between self-reported attitude and pre- and post-test scores over information presented in the workshop. The fifty-five subjects (22 males, 33 females) comprised the sample. Highly positive correlations were found between initial and post-class attitudes and between initial and post-test of knowledge scores. The subjects' initial attitudes were not found to be correlated with pre- or post-test of knowledge scores. When the subjects were divided into low, medium and high initial attitude groups, it was found that all groups showed improvements in attitudes scores with the low attitude group demonstrating more significant improvement than the high attitude group. A MANOVA was performed to assess the factors that may have influenced the subjects' attitude toward the workshop: subject gender, age, and desire for divorce. A significant main effect for sex of the subject and a significant three way interaction for age, sex and desire for divorce were found. For both effects, the attitude variable seemed to be the major contributor to group differences. Subjects' initial attitudes toward the sessions and their perceptions of their lawyer's attitude toward the sessions, were not found to be significantly correlated.
School Psychology
Dr. Cathy W. Hall
Date of Award
Fall 1987
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Wasinger, Karen, "The Relationship Among Attitudes and Knowledge Gained from a Court- Ordered Pre-Divorce Workshop" (1987). Master's Theses. 2046.
DOI: 10.58809/QULN7857
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