Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The establishment of Missions among the Indians who were settled in the Kansas region is apart of the story of the “Winning of the West.” The fate of the Indian was certain from the very beginning and those forces which fitted him in the end to take his place in the national life as a responsible individual were real factors in progress. The reservation system was but one stage in the gradual crowding of the Indian from his free hunting life and served only as a training school for the next stage of individual responsibility. One of the agencies which helped to tame him on the reservation and which made the transition to the new order possible and easier, was the Christian Mission. The Kansas missions were perhaps typical. At any rate a study of the work attempted and in part accomplished here, will show something of the problems presented, the difficulties met with, and the possible results. For these purposes a detailed study has been made of the missions established in Kansas by the Moravians, the Friends, the Catholics, the Baptists, the Presbyterians and the Methodists. It will be seen that in many ways the work of each denomination was typical of all. For example, the Presbyterian missions among the Osages, the Iowa's, Sauks and Foxes or of the Methodist missions among the Shawnees, the Delawares, the Potawatomie, the Peorias, and the Kaskaskia, are in large part similar to the efforts of the Baptist, all of which are treated in later chapters.


Dr. Robert L. Parker

Date of Award

Spring 1930

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