Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


United Commercial Bank, Calcutta, (now renamed UCO BANK), currently has a strength of close to 6000 officers on its rolls. The Personnel Inventory of the officers and other non-officer employees is manually maintained. The huge volume of data and the increasingly complex information requirement has been posing serious problems in the storage, retrieval and proceeding of data. There is evidence that the work may assume unmanageable dimensions in the future. The investigation of the deficiencies in the existing system and the development of a computer based system to facilitate routine information requirements and support decision making in personnel-related areas through efficient storage, retrieval and processing of information forms the subject of the study. Only officers employees have been considered in the design of the system. The system can easily be extended to include the non-officer employees of the bank.


Robert Masters

Date of Award

Fall 1986

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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