Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The taxonomic significance of two chromosomal races of Geomys bursarius lutescens Merriam was reviewed using morphometric, karyotypic, and electrophoretic methods of analysis. The two chromosomally distinct races were well differentiated both genetically and morphometrically and showed no evidence of introgression. Based on the absence of hybridization and introgression, the two chromosomal races could be regarded as separate species. However, each of the chromosomal races has genetic affinities with a more eastern taxon, and previous genetic analysis revealed that the two eastern taxa are only sub-specifically distinct. Moreover, morphometric similarities between the chromosomal races are equivalent to those seen between one of the chromosomal races and another chromosomal race that is distinct at the sub-specific level. The two chromosomal races of G. b. lutescens thus warrant recognition as separate sub-species, one of which is described and named as new.


Jerry R. Choate

Date of Award

Fall 1985

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© 1985 Philip D. Sudman


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