Master's Theses


Social Work

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A status survey with post-hoc grouping was employed to investigate the adherence to a liberal or conservative attitude towards human sexual expression in 217 university students. The Sexual Attitude Scale (Hudson, Murphy, & Nuris, 1983) was employed. Fourteen null hypotheses were written and tested to study the effects of college classification levels, sex-class membership, age, marital status, and religious preference on attitudes toward human sexual expression. The findings of this study supported some of those found in the related literature, such as those found by Ubell (1984), and Medora & Woodward (1982). 1) No significant differences were found for male students by age levels. 2) No significant differences were found for female students by age levels. 3) Significant differences were found for college students by age levels. 4) No significant differences were found for male students by college classification levels. 5) No significant differences were found for female students by college classification levels. 6) No significant differences were found for college students by college classification levels. 7) No significant difference was found for males by marital status. 8) No significant difference was found for females by marital status. 9) No significant difference was found for college students by marital status. 10) No significant difference was found for single students by sex-class membership. 11) No significant difference was found for married students by sex-class membership. 12) Significant differences were found for college students by religious preference. 13) No significant difference was found for college students by sex-class membership. 14) Significant difference was found between the calculated mean of the total sample and the theoretical mean of the instrument.


Counseling, Sex, Students, Fort Hays State University, Ellis County (Kan.), Testing, Attitude


Dr. Bill C. Daley

Date of Award

Spring 1985

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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