Master's Theses


Social Work

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The subjects of this study consisted of 99 freshmen and sophomore secondary students representing five sections of Algebra I. The implementation section was taught by the researcher using the Saxon (1981) textbook, and four sections of Algebra I were employed as control groups using textbooks authored by Payne (1977), Nichols (1982), and Dolciani (1981). Three Algebra I sections, including the implementation group, were administered a pre and post assessment, and two Algebra I sections were administered a post measure only. The instrument, developed by Saxon, was a test of Algebra I skills consisting of 28 computational problems graded right or wrong. Five hypotheses were tested at the .05 level, and all were rejected. The independent variable in this study was the type of Algebra I textbook used, and the dependent variable was the post assessment scores. An analysis of variance was employed to compare differences among the post mean achievements of the five Algebra I sections. Statistically significant differences were found at the .05 level with the implementation section having a significantly higher mean score than the means for the other four Algebra I sections. Analyses of covariance were employed at the .05 level to compare the adjusted post mean achievement of the implementation section with the two control groups that were administered a pre and post assessment. These results indicated that the implementation section had a significantly higher adjusted post mean score than the adjusted post mean scores of the two control groups. The t test for independent means was employed at the .05 level to compare the post mean achievement of the implementation section with the two control groups that were administered a post measure only. Statistical significant differences were found with the implementation group having a significantly higher mean score than the mean scores of the two control groups.


Text book selection, Mathematics, Curriculum, Algebra, t-test (Statistics), Students


Dr. Bill C. Daley

Date of Award

Summer 1985

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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