Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


The primary purpose of this field study was to indentify administrative attitudes in the state of Kansas towards the extended school day or school year. A questionnaire, which was developed by the researcher, was mailed in March of 1984 to 120 school administrators. Ninety-four or 78 percent were completed and returned. Ten independent variables were studied; the attitudes of superintendents, secondary, and elementary principals; the effect of the district size; if the amount of administrative experience effected the ratings, the effect of providing 180 days of 1,080 hours currently in school systems; how the reading of the “A Nation at Risk” report and the “Carnegie Report” effect administrative attitudes; and the effect that central air conditioning has on administrative attitudes. General conclusions were that district size, the “A Nation at Risk” report, and central air conditioning did have an effect on administrative attitudes. Education implications of this study are as follows: 1. if administrators in the state of Kansas were making a decision concerning the extension of the school day or school year, they would probably not vote positive. 2. If a pilot program was implemented to test the success of an extended school day and school year, the 5A size schools would be the most accepting of such a concept. 3. A school district that has central air conditioning would be more likely to implement the extended school day or school year into their school system. 4. School districts should not proceed without extensive and meaningful involvement of their publics. The researcher recommends the following: 1. this study would be replicated next year, since peoples’ opinions do change and more information will be available on the success or failures in extending the school day or school year. 2. This study should be replicated employing teachers as subjects 3. This study should be replicated employing Board of Education members as subjects. 4. This study should be replicated employing parents of school children as subjects.


Ed Stehno

Date of Award

Spring 1984

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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