Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The principal aquifer for the privately owned water wells in the City of Hays, Kansas, consists of Pleistocene terrace deposits and Quaternary and Recent alluvium. Groundwater samples from 22 privately owned water wells in this 13 square-kilometer (5 square-mile) area were collected between October 23 and November 9, 1982. Temperature, pH, and specific conductance measurements were made, and the samples were analyzed for concentrations of several chemical parameters. Each of the parameters was plotted on a separate map with the concentration (in milligrams per liter) or values indicated by contours. The geochemical analysis indicates that the groundwater from the aquifer beneath Hays is basically calcium bicarbonate type. This water type primarily is a result of the semiarid to subhumid climate of the region. However, the groundwater quality is modified by sulfates, chlorides, and sodium dissolved from the Carlile Shale, infiltrated from Big Creek, and contributed by industrial and domestic wastes.


Michael E. Nelson

Date of Award

Spring 1983

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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