Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


In order to study the quantitative geomorphology of drainage basins, 3 fourth-order basins were delineated within the North Fork Big Creek drainage basin in Ellis County, Kansas. The three basins, labeled A, B, and C, were selected due to the varying lithology and possible stages of erosional development present in each basin. Various parameters of quantitative geomorphology were used for the comparison of the three basins. These parameters include percent unconsumed upland, drainage basin area, drainage basin perimeter, length of overland flow, stream length, drainage density, texture ratio, stream frequency, constant of channel maintenance, stream gradient, relief ratio, stream length ratio, basin circularity, elongation ratio, form factor F, shape S, angles of junction, angles of bifurcation and bifurcation ratio. The majority of the parameters measured showed that basin C, which exhibits the most advanced erosional development of the three basins, has youthful characteristics. One explanation for the youthfulness of this basin is to use the theory of rejuvenation postulated by Davis (1899). Basin A and B appear to have normal erosional development.


Geology, Watersheds, Rock formations, Ellis County (Kan.), Geomorphology, Erosion, Maps


Dr. John R. Ratzlaff

Date of Award

Spring 1983

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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