Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Eighty university students were administered an Erotic Interest Survey that dealt with voyeuristic activity and sexual fantasies, the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) which measures self-actualization, and the P.E.N. which is purported to measure psychoticism, neuroticism, and extraversion. Results indicated that frequency of reported voyeuristic activity showed a positive correlation with self-actualization. Neuroticism and psychoticism showed a negative correlation with scales indicating self-actualization. Frequency of viewing live erotic stimuli, looking at pornography, and fantasizing about sex all correlated positively with each other. Males reported doing more of all three of those activities than did females. Males also more often reported being aggressive and powerful while females more often reported being passive and submissive in their sexual fantasies. Females scored higher on neuroticism than did males. Married subjects reported more voyeuristic activity during the age of 17-22 years than did unmarried subjects. Finally, married subjects reported looking at pornography to become sexually aroused rather than because it was readily available or contained interesting articles more frequently than did unmarried subjects. All of the above results suggest that males manifest more erotic interest than females and that voyeuristic behavior in a normal population does not indicate psychological deviance.
Personal orientation inventory, Students, Fort Hays State University, Men, Women, Questionnaires, Voyeurism, Self-actualization
Dr. Paul F. Zelhart
Date of Award
Fall 1980
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Ariaz, Sylvia, "Personality Variables Related to Erotic Interests" (1980). Master's Theses. 1773.
DOI: 10.58809/XZUJ4487
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