Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
This study was conducted in an attempt to determine the effects of full disclosure on a verbal conditioning task. Four groups of 29 subjects each, participated in this study. Two of these groups were given full disclosure about the experiment immediately prior to their participation, the other two groups did not receive this information. The task for each group was to construct 100 sentences using the verb and one of six pronouns printed on a card presented to them. One group under each disclosure condition was verbally reinforced after the first 20 trials for beginning a sentence with "I" or "He". The reinforced groups showed significant positive conditioning. A 2x2x5 Analysis of Variance further showed that the Reinforcement x Trials interaction to be significant (p =.01) as well as the Disclosure x Trials interaction.
Social Psychology, Fort Hays State University, Students, Ellis County (Kan.), Analysis, Testing, Questionnaires, Ethics
Dr. Robert Adams
Date of Award
Fall 1978
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Schmidt, Marcellus E., "The Effects of Full Disclosure on a Verbal Conditioning Task" (1978). Master's Theses. 1731.
DOI: 10.58809/YEFS2951
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