![Master's Theses](../../assets/md5images/b073eef2c231780838431e1c53638883.jpg)
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
A study of the effects of different instructions on student ratings of instructor-course evaluations was conducted using freshman-level Introductory Psychology and Introductory Sociology courses at a small mid-western state university. Each of the four participating classes was divided into three groups according to the type of directions given. The directions for Group 1 were that the ratings would be used by the chairman of the department in decisions concerning promotion, tenure, and salary increments; Group 2 was informed that only the instructor would review the evaluations to improve his/her teaching and Group 3 was informed simply that feedback was appreciated. Then, each group was asked to complete an evaluation form that included three subscales with differences only in the directions and the order of the subscales, which were counterbalanced within each group. A 3x4x6 analysis of variance on subscale scores revealed only that participating professors differed in terms of ratings on the Instructor and Outcomes of Instruction subscales, while no difference was obtained for the Course subscale. There was a trend in the results, however, which suggested that different directions may have had an effect depending upon the instructor for several of the items. Still, no clear-cut, overall pattern could be discerned. It was suggested, therefore, that at the present time there is still no conclusive evidence as to the effect of prior directions on the results of student ratings of instruction. Further research in this area was strongly recommended.
Teacher effectiveness, Evaluation, Kansas schools, Testing, Mental states, Judgement, Fort Hays State University, Students
Daniel Kaeck
Date of Award
Spring 1978
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Kubancik, Carol Ann, "The Effects of Different Directions on Ratings of Instructor-Course Evaluations" (1978). Master's Theses. 1710.
DOI: 10.58809/CSAC6634
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