Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study was designed to assess the effects of systematic use of individual contingencies for group consequences upon the social adjustment of three behaviorally disturbed third-grade male children in a "regular" classroom. A multiple baseline design was used to analyze rates of inappropriate behavior and subsequent peer and teacher attention; rates of subject and peer initiations and total interaction time during play situations; and changes in friendship and work-partner status as measured by a sociometric test administered to the class. Following baseline, treatment was implemented in two phases: (a) a classroom training program was introduced simultaneously for all three subjects; and (b) individual contingencies for group rewards was used in five-day periods for each subject successively. Results indicate that the combination of training and individually-contingent group rewards was effective in further reductions of appropriate behavior, significant increases in social status, and increases in interaction behavior. However, patterns of generalized interaction and peer attitudes toward the subjects were not systematically related, and did not prove significantly for all subjects when individual contingencies were applied. It was speculated that unique behavioral characteristics of the disliked subjects could have accounted for the apparent unsystematic relationship between social status and social interaction.


Boys, Mentally ill children, Hays (Kan.), Primary education, Student success, Testing, Behavior, Mental states


Daniel Kaeck

Date of Award

Summer 1977

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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