Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This study examined the concept of life satisfaction among the aged. Two major variables were examined in relation to life satisfaction. The first was institutionalization, which has been found to be a relevant variable for attitudes, interests and activities among the aged. The second variable considered was an individual's past history in an attempt to delineate past events, stresses, and life styles that are correlated to reported life satisfaction in the aged. The purpose of this study was to provide needed research on what possible life history events correlate with life satisfaction and to determine what effect institutionalization has on life satisfaction among the aged. The Personal Orientation Inventory was used as a measure of life satisfaction and the Minnesota-Briggs History Record was used to obtain life history information. A short Biographical Data Survey was also administered. The subjects in this study were 46 older citizens, 14 males, 32 females, all above the age of 60. Twenty-three subjects were residents in adult intermediate personal care homes and 23 made their residence in a community environment. The results of this study did not support the hypothesis that individuals in personal care homes would indicate less life satisfaction than persons maintaining residence in the community. In examining life history events, as measured by the Minnesota-Briggs History Record, Introversion was the only significant variable (p < .02) found in this study to correlate with life satisfaction.


Satisfaction, Mental states, Personal orientation inventory, Older people, Men, Women, Assisted Living Facilities


Dr. Myron Boor

Date of Award

Fall 1976

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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