Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ainsworth and Bell’s (1970) study of one-year-olds in a situation involving interaction with a stranger was revised and extended. Two age groups were added, as was a familiarized adult to whom it could be assumed the subjects were not attached. This familiar adult acted as a comparison figure on which to base conclusions about the infants; selectivity in terms of their attachment behaviors. Subjects were 15 white, family-reared infants grouped according to age- - 9 months, 12 months, and 15 months- - with 5 subjects in each group. Attachment, exploration, and separation anxiety were the behaviors under study. The subjects were observed with their mothers present, with their mothers absent, in interaction with the familiarized adult, and in interaction with a stranger. A frequency count of relevant behaviors was made by observers through a one-way window. Comparisons were made to determine differences in behavior across conditions and across age groups. Age differences were not significant. The addiction of the familiarized adult did affect infants’ behaviors, especially crying, which was notably decreased in this study, as compared with Ainsworth and Bell’s (1970) work. An unexpected finding was a significant difference for only children.




Phyllis G. Tiffany

Date of Award

Spring 1976

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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