Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
White male and female subjects were shown two series of photographs with the objective of identifying those pictures shown in the first series. The data were analyzed in terms of the errors committed and the actual choices made regardless of errors. Analyses of variance were conducted on both dependent measures and Scheffe comparisons were made on the significant interactions. The findings indicate that females responded differentially according to the sex of the picture, while males responded differentially according to the race of the picture. In addition, females’ recognition ability was superior to that of males, female pictures were more recognizable than male pictures, and Black pictures were recognized more frequently than White pictures. The actual choice analysis of variance revealed that Black pictures were chosen significantly more often than White male pictures. The implications of the overselection of Blacks might have upon the accuracy of recognition were discussed. Possible explanations for these findings were offered and suggestions for future research were made.
Students, Fort Hays State University, Photographs, African Americans, Men, Women, Testing, Analysis, Race discrimination
Daniel Kaeck
Date of Award
Spring 1976
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Cornell, Lauraine B., "Differential Interpersonal Recognition : Sex, Race, and Error Factors" (1976). Master's Theses. 1615.
DOI: 10.58809/SXSB4904
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