Master's Theses


Advanced Education Programs

Degree Name

Education Specialist (Ed.S)


This study was undertaken to determine if the courses offered, the guidance and counseling services available, and the extra-curricular activities satisfied the educational needs of the students of Hoisington High School. More specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: 1. does the curriculum required for graduation from Hoisington fulfill the general educational needs of its students? 2. Do the extra-curricular activities available at Hoisington satisfy the interests of the students? 3. Are the students satisfied with the advice they received from members of the staff in selecting courses at Hoisington High School? 4. Does the college bound graduate receive useable knowledge and information concerning his major field of study while at college? 5. Does the trade or vocational bound graduate receive useable knowledge and information concerning his major field of study while at trade or vocational school? 6. Why did the student who dropped out of school do so and has he done anything toward completing his high school education?


Dr. LaVier L. Staven

Date of Award

Spring 1975

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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