Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


This thesis Is a statement in painting, and It attempts to convey what the artist feels - visually. The paintings are his form of written language. The artist uses only those forms which fulfill his own need. He is not only justified In using them, but is under a moral obligation to do so. Colors are not used because they are true to nature but because they are necessary to the particular picture. Freedom from anatomy or anything else of the kind must be given to the artist in his painting. It Is the freedom that Is necessary in life as well as art. From the initial object to the final perception can be found steps that make us what we are . . . individuals. The use of past experience and Intelligence, and how one sees color and line, light and dark, are the physical laws the artist attempts to correlate with all levels of consciousness. The artist realizes that the paintings themselves are visual experience controlling devices, but he has selected certain impressions which he feels are significant for particular visual experiences and disregarded those which are irrelevant. The media used In the paintings Is oil. Oil paint was chosen because It was felt that the physical characteristics of oil paint and Its application best act as interpreters. In some of the examples the colors and forms blend together producing a hazy effect, and a lack of detail which is left to the Imagination of the observer. In some of the paintings, the artist has tried to lift the observer off the ground and show him a different perspective (as in a birds-eye view). In others, he has tried impressions of nature in color. But for the most part, the artist has tried to show an expression of a slowly formed inner feeling. He hopes to arouse In the observer an awareness of his own existence, sensations, thoughts and environment. He has shown this by creating images which he feels are significant in this process.


Eugene Harwick

Date of Award

Summer 1974

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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