Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


As a first step toward revising programs of teacher education institutions, and existing conditions in our school, a study was undertaken to determine the degree of teacher maladjustment among teachers in the Hays, Kansas area. All teachers employed in Ellis, Kansas and Russell, Kansas, and all faculty members at Fort Hays Kansas State College, and all students enrolled as student teachers at Fort Hays Kansas State College during the fall semester of 1972, were solicited to participate in the study. The screening device was the 71 Mini-Mult developed by Kincannon (1968). The resulting profiles were evaluated independently by three clinical psychologists. The teacher population was broken down into subgroups and differences in maladjustment between subgroups was tested for significance, or the total sample. It was found that 64.9% were well adjusted, 25.8% had mild or moderate signs of maladjustment and 9.3% appeared to have definite psychiatric impairment. These findings constitute serious implications for education. The purpose of this study was to establish the dimensions of teacher maladjustment.


James Ryabik

Date of Award

Spring 1973

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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