Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Structural ecological parameters of a population of Peromyscus maniculatus were investigated following a four year live-trap study conducted on a remnant mixed prairie in west - central Kansas. Deer mice had a non-random distribution on the study area, and preferred habitats dominated by Andropopon gerardi, A. scoparius, and Bouteloua curtipendula; they specifically avoided a weedy community dominated by Helianthus annuus and Kochia scoparia. The lowest crude densities (1.8/ha) were recorded in spring of 1968, and the highest (17.7) occurred in autumn of 1966. Ecological densities ranged from spring and summer lows (4.0/ha) in the weedy community to autumn highs (19.3/ha) in the A. gerardi habitat. Over the four years, the population invariably peaked in mid-autumn to early winter, was least dense in mid-winter to early spring, experienced a minor peak in spring, and declined slightly in summer. Population turnover was 43% complete in six months and 95% complete in twelve months. Males and females that were caught more than once averaged 154 and 147 days on the study area, respectively.


Dr. Eugene Flaherty

Date of Award

Spring 1973

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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