Health and Human Performance
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether evidence from test results would support the statements that (1) a similar pattern of test results should emerge from a comparison of the results of the scores obtained on the 12 minute run -walk test and the 600 yard run-walk test, (2) that the results of the 12 minute aerobic endurance test should reflect the general physical fitness of the individual, (3) that the aerobics training program should result in improved scores on the 12 minute run-walk test and on the 600 yard run-walk test, and (4) that the experimental group should show an improvement greater than the control group on the 12 minute run-walk test, on the 600 yard run-walk test, and on the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test.
Kinsley (Kan.), Edwards County (Kan.), Secondary education, High schools, American Association for Health. Physical Education. and Recreation, Girls
Dr. Russell Bogue
Date of Award
Spring 1971
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Miles, Helen M., "A Study of Comparisons from the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test, the 600 Yard Run-Walk Test, and the Twelve Minute Run-Walk Test for Selected High School Girls" (1971). Master's Theses. 1419.
DOI: 10.58809/LYQE3616
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