Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
The purpose of this study was to systematically examine the role of peer reinforcement made contingent on one pupil's behavior. One disruptive pupil was selected from a primary level Learning Disability class and another from a parochial first grade class to be the target Ss. After baseline observation, each S could earn candy for himself only, himself and his peers, or for his peers and not himself, by staying in his seat. Both classes received all the conditions but in different orders. The results indicated each of the three reinforcement conditions reduced inappropriate out-of-seat behavior, although not all produced significant reductions from baseline. The study further indicated the effects of any of these reinforcement conditions were not necessarily generalizable to similar populations. Differences between the two Ss' patterns of responding appeared to be a function of S characteristics and reinforcement history, especially with respect to prior subject-peer interaction.
Primary education, Students, Hays (Kan.), Testing, Mental states, Behavior, Contingency (Philosophy)
Dr. Ronald G. Smith
Date of Award
Spring 1972
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Stricklin, Gary J., "An Experimental Analysis of Peer Reinforcement in the Elementary School Classroom" (1972). Master's Theses. 1369.
DOI: 10.58809/BNOS3258
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