Political Science
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Today, urban areas of the United States, whether they be small, medium or large, which are in the throes of some type of physical growth on the fringe of the city, use annexation to bring that fringe area into their corporate limits. For orderly growth to occur in any metropolitan area, a municipality must have developed some type of orderly annexation policy. Many city officials and experts in the field of urban research and planning feel that annexation is the most productive method of creating orderly growth in the metropolitan area. Although annexation has been on the decline in many areas of the country, it has been on the increase in the state of Kansas.
Cities and Towns, Growth, Local government, Annexation (Municipal government), Dodge City (Kan.), Liberal (Kan.), Great Bend (Kan.), Hays (Kan.), Garden City (Kan.)
Dr. Donald B. Slechta
Date of Award
Summer 1972
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Reed, Burton Jolley, "City Annexation: Policy Determination and Policy Rationale in Five Second Class Cities in Western Kansas" (1972). Master's Theses. 1363.
DOI: 10.58809/ZECE3055
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