Advanced Education Programs
Degree Name
Education Specialist (Ed.S)
The present study examined the relationship between school sector and academic achievement as measured by the mathematics and reading portions of the Kansas State Assessments. Archival data were used to obtain the percent of third-grade and fifth-grade students who were proficient in mathematics and reading for 919 schools (813 public, 106 private) across Kansas. The data were analyzed to identify extraneous variables that affect academic achievement and to determine if attending private or public schools resulted in higher academic achievement. Results indicate that, after extraneous variables are statistically controlled for, students who attend public schools achieve equal to or higher than students who attend private schools do. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed, as well as areas of further study.
Education, Private schools, Public schools, State assessments, Elementary education
Dr. Carol Patrick
Date of Award
Summer 2011
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Carlin, Kyle D., "Private Versus Public Schools: A Comparison Of The Percentage Of Third- And Fifth-Grade Students Who Meet Kansas State Proficiency Standards In Reading And Mathematics" (2011). Master's Theses. 136.
DOI: 10.58809/GPPP2977
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