Master's Theses


Communication Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study is to provide a written analysis and evaluation of the preparation for the acting and the performing of selected roles in the theatre. The written thesis includes the evaluation of characters portrayed and methods for preparation for performance of selected roles. The sociological, psychological and theatrical analyses of the roles were viewed for the nature of the individual roles in relationship to other characters as well as the whole play. Utilized in this analysis is material found in reviewing the literature, when available, about each role along with self-evaluation of the role and the director's evaluation, interpretation and instructions for characterization. Supplementary to the written preparation and character analysis, tape recording was used to facilitate vocal characterizations. A permanent video-tape was made of selected scenes to provide a record of the event of performance as a supplement to the written thesis. Upon selection of a role, the following was used to prepare for the performance of the role: I. Each play was read in its entirety for first impressions of mood and meaning of the play. A. Objectivity was maintained as to the theatrical value of the play. B. Subjectivity was limited to likes and dislikes of the work as a whole. II. The story and theme and the production style were discussed with the director. lll. Each play was analyzed for the sociological and psychological implication of the play as a whole. IV. Individual parts played were analyzed for: A. Psychological aspects such as desires and goals and their motivational influences on the character. B. Family relationships as to their influences on the character. C. General social environment as to its motivational influence. D. Development of character as seen in the play, as an individual and in relation to other characters, as a result of the above influences. V. The literature was investigated to determine previously written analyses of character as found in critical analyses of historical, modern and contemporary drama by actors, directors, playwrights, and theatre critics. A. The playwright's intent was determined for each role to be performed as seen in the literature. B. The literature was related to the director's analysis and the personal analysis of the role. VI. The psychology of the role and the vocal and body mannerisms intrinsic to the character were developed. A. The tape recorder was used to assist in developing intrinsic vocal characteristics. B. The director was consulted as to the correctness of character interpretation. VII. The roles were performed. VIII. Video-tapes of selected scenes were made as a permanent record of the acting events and are filed in the Radio-Television tape library of the Fort Hays Speech Department. IX. Personal views of each performance were summarized as to the effectiveness of characterization and performance.


L. A. Frerer

Date of Award

Summer 1972

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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