Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Widespread interest usually exists as to the effect of a college or university on the economy of a local area. The author shares this interest; thus, the primary goal of this thesis was to quantitatively determine the impact that Fort Hays Kansas State College has on the economy of Ellis County. Secondary goals were to discover the interdependence (or lack of interdependence) existing among the various processing sectors that make up the business spectrum of Ellis County. It was decided to utilize input-output analysis to accomplish this objective. A transactions matrix was constructed from secondary data and a limited amount of direct research. The transactions matrix was inverted in order to obtain business and income multipliers. The author's conclusions are as follows: 1. As was expected, the processing sectors in Ellis County exhibit a relative lack of interdependence, that is, both exports and imports are relatively high. 2. The Ellis County economy is relatively diversified, with several sectors being important contributors to income. 3. Educational services are by far the most important sector in Ellis County, and agriculture and mining are also quite important as contributors to personal income. 4. The increased enrollment and budget of Fort Hays Kansas State College will effect an approximate increase in personal income for the years 1967-1972 of $2,500,000. 5. The indicated increase in the three service sectors in Ellis County means that population and income should continue to grow at a steady pace. 6. An input-output study conducted by direct survey methods is necessary in order to predict expansions in specific sectors.


Jack McCullick

Date of Award

Summer 1969

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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