Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
A description and analysis of the Alliance for Progress is presented in this work. Development of a cooperative attitude in United States foreign policy toward Latin America, which culminated in the Alliance for Progress, is sketched. Economic and social conditions in Latin America which justified a new approach to Latin American-United States relations are outlined, and the manner in which some of these conditions have been overcome while others still present obstacles to achievement of the Alliance goals are shown. Progress of the Alliance from its conception in 1961 to the present and how it can be improved to achieve the Alliance goals is the unifying theme of the study. There have been criticisms of the Alliance, and these critical views are presented and analyzed, but the true value of the Alliance, which is depicted in the concluding chapter, is its impact on the people of Latin America as the Alliance slowly progresses toward the accomplishment of its goals of alleviating the social and economic miseries of the people of Latin America.
Alliance for Progress, United States--History, Exchange of persons programs, Latin America, Reviews, Economic conditions
Dr. James L. Forsythe
Date of Award
Summer 1968
Document Type
Thesis - campus only access
Recommended Citation
Kenyon, Gary Eugene, "Alianza Para Progreso: A Study in Inter-American Cooperation" (1968). Master's Theses. 1175.
DOI: 10.58809/MJXF6185
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