Master's Theses


Economics, Finance, & Accounting

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study is to present the formation and organizational aspects of a new insurance company in Kansas. It is during these initial years that a new company experiences considerable difficulty. Problems such as personnel selection, agent training, selection of investments, and financial management are just a few of the difficulties encountered by a new company. The material used in this study was acquired through correspondence with the new life insurance companies, informative conferences with company agents, and the facilities available at Forsyth Library on the campus of Fort Hays Kansas State College. The study revealed that necessary legal requirements for capitalization of a new insurance company in Kansas could be supplemented with additional regulatory statutes, to provide greater security for the policyholder and also the stockholder. The study al so revealed a trend toward a holding company formation of new insurance companies to enable diversification in its operation. The most important feature of a new organization lies in its management. The guidance of a new firm, both in its home office operation and its field operation requires experienced and intelligent personnel. Surplus, growth, and economic and social contributions are also examined in this study. A precise and accurate measurement of this area of the study could not be made, due to the lack of necessary material.


Dr. Milburn Little

Date of Award

Summer 1968

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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