Memories of the 1930s - FHKSC Radio Program
Diane Gumm
Interviews with Dr. Ray McCartney, Mrs. H.E. Malloy, Etta L. Wiest, H.J. Tholen, John Schaeffer, Frank and Marianne Anderson, John and Edna Zielke, Lydia Eichman, Helen Wise, and John Bird.
00:00:00 - Introduction and background
00:01:16 - Introduction, Dr. Ray McCartney
00:04:42 - Teaching at Fort Hays in the 1930s during dust storms
00:09:54 - Introduction, Mrs. H.E. Malloy
00:10:19 - Keeping house during the dust storms
00:12:51 - Introduction, Etta Wiest
00:13:08 - The first dust storm in Hays. From here out the interviews are recorded over music which plays in reverse in the background.
00:17:05 - Introduction, H.J. Tholen
00:17:22 - Economy in Hays during the 1930s
00:25:40 - Introduction, John Schaeffer
00:25:48 - Welfare relief workers during the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:28:19 - Conclusion to the first half
00:29:20 - Introduction to the second half
00:30:47 - Introduction, Frank and Marianne Anderson
00:31:06 - Farming during the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:34:49 - Keeping house during the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:37:08 - Tall tale about a badger
00:37:38 - Introduction, John and Edna Zielke
00:37:45 - Farming and raising livestock during the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:44:07 - Introduction, Lydia Eichman
00:44:25 - Losing the farm as a result of the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:45:40 - Introduction, Helen Wise
00:45:52 - Challenges raising a family during the Dust Bowl Era (1931-1939)
00:53L53 - Conclusion -
Music played by John Price, Ed Cleveland, and Chester Price
Don Price
Music played by John Price, Ed Cleveland, and Chester Price.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:45 - Song, "Bluebird Waltz", violin, guitar, and banjo
00:03:15 - Song, "Doc Webster" , violin, guitar, and banjo
00:05:37 - Song, "Whiskers", violin, guitar, and banjo
00:08:03 - Song, "Hungarian Dance", guitar
00:11:07 - Song, "Old Wild Goose", violin and guitar
00:14:31 - Song, "Cherokee Buck", violin and guitar
00:17:38 - Song, "Durang's Hornpipe", violin and guitar
00:21:00 - Song, "Crow, Little Rooster", violin and guitar
00:22:19 - Song, "8 January", violin and guitar
00:24:34 - Song, "C and A Two-step", violin and guitar
00:27:41 - Song, "Sheep Shelling Corn", violin and guitar
00:28:46 - Song, "Soldier's Joy", violin and guitar
00:32:09 - Song, "Dry and Dusty", violin and guitar
00:35:28 - Song, "Jim Waltz", violin and guitar -
Music played by the Eddie Basgall Orchestra
Norbert J. Schmeidler
Music played by the Eddie Basgall orchestra.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:52 - Song, "Frauha Polka"
00:02:48 - Song, "Nice Hall Polka"
00:04:37 - Song, "Nebraska Polka"
00:09:07 - Song, "Sugarbush Polka"
00:11:43 - Song, "Blue Skirt Waltz"
00:15:04 - Song, "Forsaken Love Waltz"
00:18:27 - Song, unidentified waltz
00:20:40 - Song, unidentified polka
00:23:50 - Song, "Hey Polka"
00:25:50 - Song, unidentified polka
00:27:19 - Song, unidentified waltz
00:29:48 - Song, "Sinking Ruddy Waltz"
00:32:39 - Song, "Du, du Liegst mir am Herzen" waltz
00:35:35 - Song, "Schneider Polka"
00:37:47 - Song, "Fat Man's Polka"
00:39:47 - Song, "Hay Loft Polka"
00:42:34 - Song, "Clarinet Polka"
00:45:28 - Song, "Sputnik Polka"
00:48:22 - Song, "Sputnik Polka" repeat
00:51:11 - Song, "Ooh La La Polka"
00:54:28 - Song, "Flying Dutchman"
00:56:23 - Song, "The New Flying Dutchman"
00:57:43 - Song, "More Flying Dutchman"
00:58:49 - Song, unnamed waltz
01:01:21 - Song, "Du, du Liegst mir am Herzen" waltz
01:03:57 - Song, "Liechtensteiner Polka"
01:05:59 - Song, "Schweitzer Boot Waltz"
01:09:14 - Song, "The Prune Song Waltz"
01:12:01 - Song, unidentified waltz
01:14:24 - Song, "Bye-bye Baby Polka"
01:17:48 - Song, "Clarinet Polka" -
Poetry from Charles Plymell and Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poetry from Charles Plymell and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. This recording is unavailable.
The Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection consists of recordings created by Dr. Sackett and his graduate assistants between the years of 1954 and 1977. Dr. Sackett and his assistants interviewed immigrants, homesteaders, and other community figures in Kansas and beyond, with a specific focus on folk music and folk lore. Subjects covered include folk music, folk stories, immigration and homesteading in the late 1800s through early 1900s, relations with Indigenous Americans and other minorities, Volga-German music, language, and customs, along with a wealth of genealogical information. Some of the recordings include racially sensitive language and as well as accounts of hate crimes. Originally recorded on reel-to-reel media, the collection was migrated to cassette tape in the 1990s and then transferred to digital beginning in 2020. Many of the recordings were in poor condition. The access recordings presented here have undergone audio enhancement in order to improve the user experience where possible, though some recordings remain difficult to understand. Unaltered audio transfers are available for researchers on request. Dr. Sackett served in the Department of English at FHSU for 23 years and founded the Kansas Folklore Society. His research materials were transferred to the University Archives in 1992.
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