Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 1
Samuel John Sackett
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 1
00:00:00 - Introduction by Riley Aiken
00:03:48 - Dr. Stith Thompson, "What a Folklore Society Can Do" Part one. The lecture continues on Tape 2 of this series. -
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 2
Samuel John Sackett
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 2
00:00:00 - Dr. Stith Thompson, "What a Folklore Society Can Do" Part Two. This lecture is continued from Tape 1 of this series.
00:26:45 - Dr. Samuel J. Sackett lecture on the "Cultural Characteristics of Three Plains Indian Tribes" Part One. This lecture is continued on Tape 3 of this series -
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 3
Samuel John Sackett
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 3
00:00:00 - Dr. Samuel J. Sackett lecture on the "Cultural Characteristics of Three Plains Indian Tribes" Part Two. This lecture is continued from Tape 2 of this series -
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 4
Samuel John Sackett
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 4
00:00:00 - Riley Aiken on "Kansas: A study in Toponymy"
00:20:43 - Introduction by Neil Byer
00:21:45 - Remarks on the jaw harp by Gail Burns
00:22:45 - Song, "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain", jaw harp and guitar
00:23:50 - Song, "Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie", jaw harp and guitar
00:24:52 - Remarks on yodeling
00:26:23 - Song, "Cattle Call", yodel
00:27:52 - Song, "Chime Bells", yodel
00:30:13 - Concluding remarks on yodeling -
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 5
Samuel John Sackett
Kansas Folklore Society Meeting, April 25-26, 1958 - Tape 5. This recording is loud and distorted.
00:00:00 - Song, "Patanio" sung by Gail Burns
00:04:47 - Introduction of Edgar McCullough by Neil Byer
00:06:11 - Remarks on musical career by Edgar McCullough
00:15:49 - Song, "The Irish Washerwoman", fiddle
00:17:21 - Song, untitled tune, fiddle
00:18:25 - Song, "Fisher's Hornpipe", fiddle
00:19:43 - Song, "Devil's Dream", fiddle
00:21:08 - Introduction, to Welsh folksongs by Ted C. Owen
00:27:08 - Song, "Ffarwel Mari", vocal and piano
00:29:49 - Song, "Yn Iach i ti Cymru", vocal and piano
The Samuel J. Sackett Folklore Collection consists of recordings created by Dr. Sackett and his graduate assistants between the years of 1954 and 1977. Dr. Sackett and his assistants interviewed immigrants, homesteaders, and other community figures in Kansas and beyond, with a specific focus on folk music and folk lore. Subjects covered include folk music, folk stories, immigration and homesteading in the late 1800s through early 1900s, relations with Indigenous Americans and other minorities, Volga-German music, language, and customs, along with a wealth of genealogical information. Some of the recordings include racially sensitive language and as well as accounts of hate crimes. Originally recorded on reel-to-reel media, the collection was migrated to cassette tape in the 1990s and then transferred to digital beginning in 2020. Many of the recordings were in poor condition. The access recordings presented here have undergone audio enhancement in order to improve the user experience where possible, though some recordings remain difficult to understand. Unaltered audio transfers are available for researchers on request. Dr. Sackett served in the Department of English at FHSU for 23 years and founded the Kansas Folklore Society. His research materials were transferred to the University Archives in 1992.
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