Volume 2, Number 2 (2006) Journal of Business & Leadership
Cover and Front Matter
Effect of Outcome Knowledge On Repeated Performance Evaluations
Russell Calk and Maryanne Mowen
Personality Approach To Person-organization Fit: Applying Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice At The organizational Level
G. Stoney Alder
Leading The Virtual organization: Success Strategies, Management Practices, and Skills
Stephen Stumpf and James Klingler
organizational Conflict: Strategy, Leadership, Resolution Framework, and Managerial Implications
Ashford Chea
Board Composition and Control: An Exploratory Analysis of organizational Crisis and Prevention
William Donoher
International Business Education and Practices: Chinese "Sea Turtles" and Economic Development
David Pan and Jon Shapiro
Employee Retirement Education Programs: An Important Part of Corporate Social Responsibility
Tim Reisenwitz, Lauren Skinner, and Leonard Weld
Outside The Lines: Exploring Student Use of Web-Based Vicarious Learning About Financial Markets
Matthew Ford
Determinants of Managerial Career Attainment: Student Perceptions and organizational Realities
Amy Hurley-Hanson, Cristina Giannantonio, and Jeffrey Sonnenfeld
Effective Use of Computer-Based Instruction and Assessment
Gladys Swindler
Making Principles of Marketing Case Studies Tangible Through Computer-Aided Interactivity
Maggie O'Connor and Tulay Girard
Assessing Student Entrepreneurial Capacity: Implications For Rural Communities and Higher Education
Mary C. Martin Ph.D. and Henry Schwaller MBA
In Lean Production: Semantics Matters
Bryant Mitchell, Jeffrey Vistad, and Lawrence Fredendall
Symposium Announcement