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This color printed postcard features an illustration of a landscape of two story brick house with a landscaped yard. Four white columns are on the front of the house. Printed text and a calendar print of the month of April 1912 is on the right side of the card. Printed text and handwriting are on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
La Crosse (Kan.), Rush County (Kan.), Jewelry, Advertisements, Eyeglasses, Landscapes, Calendars--1910-1920
This item is in the public domain
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Recommended Citation
Holmes, Cecelia, "Postcard: Hermitage, Home of Jackson" (1912). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 744.
"She who from April dates her years, Diamonds should wear, lest bitter tears For vain repentance flow. This stone As emblem of innocence is known." - It May Be Fun to "Fool" People, But It Is a Real Pleasure to Surprise Them with Useful Gifts. - KENNEDY'S Artistic Jewelry, Optical Work Cut Glass, Art Chine, Etc. La Crosse, Kansas. April 1912 calendar The Hermitage, Home of Jackson "A weary immigrant, family and all; a tramping peddler, a belated neighbor, a political opponent, the Governor of the State - all were on the same footing of cordial welcome." - Stoddard. The Hermitage plantation, near Nashville, Tennessee, was purchased by Jackson in 1804. The erection of the Hermitage was begun in 1819. It was a stately mansion of fine Colonial architecture, built of brick from bricks which were manufactured on the place. The original edifice was burned in 1836, but was rebuilt by Jackson on the same foundation. The tomb of Andrew Jackson is in a corner of the garden at the Hermitage. A Series of Twelve Little Journeys to the Birth-places and Homes of Famous Americans. Cecelia Holmes Rush Center, Kas.
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