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This color printed postcard features an illustration of a landscape of two story brick house with a landscaped yard. A large tree is on the right. Printed text and a calendar print of the month of February 1912 is on the right side of the card. Printed text and handwriting are on the back of the card.
Physical Description
4"x 5" photographic postcard
La Crosse (Kan.), Rush County (Kan.), Jewelry, Advertisements, Eyeglasses, Landscapes, Calendars--1910-1920
This item is in the public domain
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Recommended Citation
Holmes, Cecelia, "Postcard: Monticello, Home of Jefferson" (1912). Tim Johnson Postcard Collection. 742.
"The February-born will find Sincerity and peace of mind, Freedom form passion and from care, If they the amethyst will wear." - We celebrate the birth of Lincoln and Washington. Why not remember those in our own home with suitable birthday gifts? - KENNEDY'S Artistic Jewelry, Optical Work Cut Grass, Art China, Etc. La Crosse, Kansas. February 1912 calendar Monticello, Home of Jefferson "I am savage enough to prefer the woods, the wilds, and the independence of Monticello, to all the brilliant pleasures of this gay capital (Paris)." - Jefferson to Baron Geisnur. Jefferson owned a large estate in the broken and picturesque Piedmont Region of Virginia. On the summit of Monticello, one of the boldest mountains in this domain, he built from his own plans the picturesque and stately mansion in Italian style which he occupied as a home up to the time of his death. After Jefferson died the estate was purchased by Commodore Uriah P. Levy, U. S. N., and is still in the possession of his family. It is preserved in all its original simplicity and grandeur. Monticello is three miles from Charlottesville, from which place it can be plainly seen. A Series of Twelve Little Journeys to the Birth-places and Homes of Famous Americans. Cecelia Holmes Rush Center, Kansas
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