Master's Theses



Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this study was to present a historical study of Belleville High School. More specifically, it was concerned with the curriculum development from 1933 to 1965. The study was limited to the following: 1. setting and history of the city of Belleville. 2. Early history of Belleville schools. 3. Buildings used to house Belleville High School students. 4. Superintendents and principals of the high school from 1889 to 1965, with salaries of each from 1910 to 1965. 5. Curriculum development in the high school from 1933 to 1965. In order to make this study it was necessary to obtain materials including records, school board minutes, newspapers, high school principals organizational reports, and personal interviews from various sources and members of the community. Belleville, Kansas, a city of the second class and county seat of Republic County, was organized in 1869. The importance of education was early recognized by the first pioneers. Soon after organizing the city, the pioneers made plans and preparations for schooling their youngsters. The first building erected on the town site in 1870, was used for a store, post office and schoolhouse. Prom this simple one room building, which served multiple purposes, Belleville had a procession of five separate high school buildings culminating in the present building which was constructed in 1962. Belleville has had twenty-two superintendents and forty principals in its seventy-six year history. The salaries for these administrators have varied from $2400 in 1910 to $9900 in 1965 for the superintendent. The principal’s salaries have ranged from $675 in 1910 to $8060 in 1965. Curriculum development from 1933 to 1965 has shown a number of variations. The years 1933 to 1940 were used to represent the “Depression Years”. Study of the tables for this period seem to indicate that the curriculum was vocational oriented. The “War Years” were represented by the curriculum offerings for the school years 1941 to 1956. Study of the tables for this period seem to indicate a possible moving away from the Vocational curriculum to a college preparatory curriculum. The Tears 1957 to 1965 represented the period since Russia put “Sputnik” in orbit. From a study of the tables it would appear that there was a slight increase in the mathematics and science course offerings. It appears that the effects the “Depression Years”, “War Years”, and “Sputnik” have had on the curriculum offerings in Belleville High School were not as significant as state requirements. State requirements have been responsible for many of the changes in the curriculum offerings. Included in the curriculum study was a number of organizations and activities with a brief summary concerning each. Some of the organizations lasted but a few years, many, however, are in existence today.


Dr. LaVier L. Staven

Date of Award

Summer 1965

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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