Master's Theses


Political Science

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The author acquired an interest in the human problem of discrimination long before the tragedies of Little Rock, Oxford, or Birmingham. It was through association with individuals who, on one hand, would express sympathy for the Negro's struggle and condemn the position of the white racists and, on the other hand, would vacillate in welcoming any ethnic group into their community, that prompted the question : “Why this contradiction?” This interest by Kansans in the plight of the Negro was generally accompanied by the self-laudatory belief that their state afforded its colored citizens the opportunity for progress. Contending that the situation was not as favorable as it was pictured, the author investigated the conditions in the state hoping that his contentions would be proved false only to find that they were more substantial than previously imagined.


Donald B. Slechta

Date of Award

Spring 1964

Document Type

Thesis - campus only access


© The Author(s)


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